
AVENTICS GmbH - German company, producing pneumatic systems and components. The company name was launched in 2014 when Bosch Rexroth sold its Rexroth Pneumatics business. The Aventics product package is very wide and of excellent quality with well-designed engineering solutions! Every successful collaboration, project implementation is our source of development and innovation. To help you improve your productivity we are ready to offer only the finest, most innovative, technologically-crafted products! In its range, Aventics offers a new generation of pneumatic components such as air flow regulators, pneumatic cylinders, valve systems, air preparation units, pneumatic connectors and other pneumatic elements. These components can be perfectly integrated into existing pneumatic systems. Aventics can offer solutions for industrial automation, train technology, food and beverage, transportation, energy and even marine industries. The products are ATEX certified, resistant to heat and strong environmental impact.

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